Monday, September 30, 2019

Balance Sheet and Public Sector Reform Essay

Financial control 1.1 Assess the relationship(s) between a financial system or function and other systems or functions in an organisation Answer: Information and records are of critical importance to the functioning and controlling of systems in general, including organisational systems. Given the central importance of information and records to systems operation, including public sector organisations and the societies they exist to govern, we should not be surprised to learn that public sector reform efforts that overlook the information component often fail to meet their immediate objectives and the longer-term goal of establishing a framework for good governance. Efforts to improve the management of public sector records in many countries have been hampered by a gap between the National Archives and the government’s record-creating departments. The result has been that most of the records in the custody of the Archives are over forty years old, while the records in government departments remain unmanaged. Some National Archives have inspecting powers, but there are few professionals trained to manage current records. Moreover, there are rarely systems in place to ensure that semi-current and non-current records are transferred to secure accommodation or appropriately destroyed. The introduction of computerized systems, often a key part of public sector reform projects, is compounding existing record-keeping problems. These computerized systems are using information that may be seriously flawed and based on collapsed paper-based systems. It is because effective management of records is so crucial to achieving public sector reform objectives, which lead to good governance, that restructuring must encompass the management of records. Restructuring of records and archives management processes must be seen as an integral part of the restructuring of core government processes to ensure the success of public sector reform efforts. 1.2 Describe the systems of accounts and financial statements used to control a financial system Answer: Financial statements are the primary means of communicating financial information to parties outside the business organization. The four basic financial statements: Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Retained Earnings ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS In small enterprises there can be different kinds of accounting systems such as external, internal and tax accounting. Annex 3 summarises data per Member State concerning accounting system requirements for small enterprises. On the basis of this data, the following descriptions of accounting systems are given: Internal accounting Internal accounting, also called management accounting is based on the enterprise’s internal accounting procedures and recorded accounting information. Internal accounting is intended for managers within organizations, to provide them with the economic basis to make informed business decisions that would allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions. For example, managers may want to be able to assess the contribution or the profitability of different products or services that they supply by comparing the revenues and costs that they generate. Unlike external accounting information, internal accounting is usually confidential and it is accessible only to the management. In most cases, small enterprises do not use internal accounting at all due to their size. Internal accounting is normally not governed by national legislation. However, in some Member States internal accounting is compulsory even for small enterprises. External accounting External accounting, also called financial accounting is concerned with the preparation of financial statements for decision makers, such as the owners, suppliers, banks, governments and its agencies, customers and other stakeholders outside the enterprise. External accounting makes use of the accounting information from the internal accounting system. In the preparation of the external accounting, the small enterprise may be governed by local 1.3 Analyse financial information contained in a set of accounts or financial statements Answer: The two main sources of data for financial analysis are a company’s balance sheet and income statement. The balance sheet outlines the financial and physical resources that a company has available for business activities in the future. It is important to note, however, that the balance sheet only lists these resources, and makes no judgment about how well they will be used by management. For this reason, the balance sheet is more useful in analysing a company’s current financial position than its expected performance. The main elements of the balance sheet are assets and liabilities. Assets generally include both current assets (cash or equivalents that will be converted to cash within one year, such as accounts receivable, inventory, and prepaid expenses) and noncurrent assets (assets that are held for more than one year and are used in running the business, including fixed assets like property, plant, and equipment; long-term investments; and intangible assets like patents, copyrights, and goodwill). Both the total amount of assets and the makeup of asset accounts are of interest to financial analysts. The balance sheet also includes two categories of liabilities, current liabilities (debts that will come due within one year, such as accounts payable, short-term loans, and taxes) and long-term debts (debts that are due more than one year from the date of the statement).Liabilities are important to financial analysts because businesses have same obligation to pay their bills regularly as individuals, while business income tends to be less certain. Long-term liabilities are less important to analysts, since they lack the urgency of short-term debts, though their presence does indicate that a company is strong enough to be allowed to borrow money. The balance sheet also commonly includes stock-holders’ equity accounts, which detail the permanent capital of the business. The total equity usually consists of two parts: the money that has been invested by shareholders, and the money that has been retained from profits and reinvested in the business. In general the more equity that is held by a business, the better the ability of the business to borrow additional funds. In contrast to the balance sheet, the income statement provides information about a company’s performance over a certain period of time. Although it does not reveal much about the company’s current financial condition, it does provide indications of its future viability. The main elements of the income statement are revenues earned; expenses incurred, and net profit or loss. Revenues consist mainly of sales, though financial analysts may also note the inclusion of royalties, interest, and extraordinary items. Likewise, operating expenses usually consist primarily of the cost of goods sold, but can also include some unusual items. Net income is the â€Å"bottom line† of the income statement. This figure is the main indicator of a company’s accomplishments over the statement period. Read more: 2.1 As a manager you need to fully understand your role in the budgetary process. It is the most basic financial planning and control tool. Every manager needs to know what costs are associated with their department, and how in relation are they doing to that budget. You might achieve your departmental goals, but if you go over budget in order to achieve those goals, you create financial problems for the company and jeopardize your own job performance review. In most cases, part of your performance appraisal will be based on whether or not you were within budget for the year. Budgets need to be realistic. You can’t just say at a whim you need 20 new people, just as upper management can’t say you have only $10 for a years’ worth of training classes. Budgets are used to investigate variances, whether you went over or under budget, and address the reasons for the variances. You need to always look at ways to control those variances by controlling costs. By being on top of your budget, you might be able to make changes before it’s too late and you end up having to reduce staff or eliminate a branch of your department. There are basically two types of budgets, a capital expenditure budget and operating budget: 1. Capital expenditure (also known as â€Å"Capex†) relates to costs associated with plant and equipment. This is equipment that generally lasts for more than a year such as a copy machine. 2. Operating budget, which is related to the normal day-to-day operations and expenditures such as payroll, supplies, and miscellaneous. There are two types of budgets within an operating budget, sales budgets and expense budgets:  · Sales budget is associated with comparison and variance of the actual revenue brought with the projected revenue.  · Expense budget applies to all areas incurring operating expenses, including the sales department. This is the budget we will focus on. CASH BUDGET FOR 90 DAYS Beginning cash balance $ 320,000 Add: Estimated collections on accounts receivable750,000 Estimated cash sales 250,000 $1,320,000 Deduct: Estimated payments on accounts payable $ 800,000 Estimated cash expenses 150,000 Contractual payments on long-term debt 150,000 Quarterly dividend 50,000 $1,150,000 Estimated ending cash balance $ 170,000 2.2 Budgetary Control is defined as â€Å"the establishment of budgets, relating the responsibilities of executives to the requirements of a policy, and the continuous comparison of actual with budgeted results either to secure by individual action the objective of that policy or to provide a base for its revision. 2. Salient features: a. Objectives: Determining the objectives to be achieved, over the budget period, and the policy (ies) that might be adopted for the achievement of these ends. b. Activities: Determining the variety of activities that should be undertaken for achievement of the objectives. c. Plans: Drawing up a plan or a scheme of operation in respect of each class of activity, in physical as well as monetary terms for the full budget period and its parts. d. Performance Evaluation: Laying out a system of comparison of actual performance by each person section or department with the relevant budget and determination of causes for the discrepancies, if any. e. Control Action: Ensuring that when the plans are not achieved, corrective actions are taken; And when corrective actions are not possible, ensuring that the plans are revised and objective achieved. Budgetary Control is an integral part of management. It consists in comparisons between the results of actual performance and budgeted performance. Central to this kind of comparison is Standard Costing and Variance Analysis. The purpose of this article is to clarify simply to the leaner, reader, and others peoples who related with accounts, budgets, costing department. 01. Variance Analysis: In a well-run organization the comparison between actual and budget is used as the basis for deciding the appropriate action. This document sets out how the analysis is used to highest effect. The procedure is actually part of the normal control process. Any variation from expected performance, in terms of budgets, where income or expenditure did not occur as expected. Variance analysis is the act of determining the drivers for those variations. Variances are noted and accounted for. A decision can be made to reduce expenses or reallocate resources. This technique greatly reduces the need for comprehensive review cycles. 2.3 Budget and Budgetary control, both at management and operational level looks at the future and lays down what has to be achieved. Control verifies whether or not the plans are understood, and puts into effect corrective measures where deviation or underperformance is occurring. This article â€Å"Techniques of Budgetary Control† examines how budget and budgetary control can impact on the performance of the organizations Techniques: Budgetary Control is an integral part of management. It consists in comparisons between the results of actual performance and budgeted performance. Central to this kind of comparison is Standard Costing and Variance Analysis. The purpose of this article is to clarify simply to the leaner, reader, and others peoples who related with accounts, budgets, costing department. What variance analysis is all about, avoiding pure technicalities and the terminology of accountants? Notice is confined to costs and cost variances in this article. A similar dealing of revenue and revenue variances would also be compulsory to acquire a proper perspective. Following explained The Budgetary Control Techniques 01. Variance Analysis: In a well-run organization the comparison between actual and budget is used as the basis for deciding the appropriate action. This document sets out how the analysis is used to highest effect. The procedure is actually part of the normal control process. Any variation from expected performance, in terms of budgets, where income or expenditure did not occur as expected. Variance analysis is the act of determining the drivers for those variations. Variances are noted and accounted for. A decision can be made to reduce expenses or reallocate resources. This technique greatly reduces the need for comprehensive review cycles.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

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Men's employment status is still their main source of self-worth (Bronzed and Herrmann 1999; Broodier 2001; Connell 2002; Hear 2004), and thus advertising, which aims to convince men that they should take consumption more seriously needs to place commodities in the context of public achievement – particularly if these also involve purchases for the sterilization of men's own bodies, their personal appearance and the personal realm in general.Yet, even the growing impact of male lifestyle magazines – mainly addressing younger men – has not been totally successful in persuading mainstream adult men that they should consume in a more conspicuous way: on the one hand more like women, yet still distinctively as ‘real' men. Therefore, advertising uses all tricks of the trade to masculine its products through its promotional appeals, to invoice the male target group that it Is no longer enough Just to be a man and act like a man: the message is that men must demon strate and legitimate dominant status by masculine ways of consumption (Williamson 1986; Nixon 2003, Gristle 1998).In her study of popular media from a feminist perspective, van Zone maintains that as a cultural form, ‘advertising displays a preoccupation with gender that Is hardly matched In any genre' (1994: 67). Referring to Saffron's seminal work of 1979 on gender and advertisements, van Zone underlines the obsession with gender which is typical for advertising as a form of popular culture: ‘This obsession Is said to spring from the â€Å"signifying power† of gender.Advertisements and commercials need to convey meaning within limited space and time and will therefore exploit symbols that are relevant and salient to society as a whole. As one of the most deeply felt elements of subjectivity and the social structure, gender provides such symbols most effectively (1994: 67). The typical conventions In advertisements addressing either men or women reflect he struc tural gendered differences based on the private/public dichotomy.Stereotypically, female audiences are addressed with fantasies of Woman as body, as object or provider of physical pleasure for others, whether In sexualities or non- sexualities ways. The personal, Intimate context and the care for self or other are always emphasized, either 220 Martha convince the male target group that it is no longer enough Just to be a man and act status by masculine ways of consumption (Williamson 1986; Nixon 2003, Sureties hat as a cultural form, ‘advertising displays a preoccupation with gender that is hardly matched in any genre' (1994: 67).Referring to Saffron's seminal work of 1979 which is typical for advertising as a form of popular culture: ‘This obsession is said to The typical conventions in advertisements addressing either men or women reflect the structural gendered differences based on the private/public dichotomy. Object or provider of physical pleasure for others, wheth er in sexualities or non- sexualities ways. The personal, intimate context and the care for self or other are

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Endangered languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Endangered languages - Essay Example There are numerous factors that researchers believe to playing a leading role towards the extinction of some languages. One of such factors is the aspect of parents pushing their children to learn languages that they believe are prestigious and â€Å"superior† to others, thus completely ignoring their local languages. It is a common trend especially in the developing countries whereby many people consider their local languages as inferior, thus get assimilated by hegemonies languages such as English. A significant number of people in the third world countries like Africa, particularly Kenya and Nigeria are straying away from their original traditions and native languages. In such countries, a large number of the young generation has shifted to different languages especially English. Some parents have decided not to teach their mother-tongue languages and instead teach them a second language because of many reasons related to social class and economic factors. The most unfortunate thing is that majority of them think that children can only learn to speak one language well, hence decide to dump their native languages (Dugan 10). They also go ahead and take their children to international schools that use the most dominant foreign languages. Natural and man-made disasters are also key factors that are leading to the extinction of some languages. Such disasters include war, famine, diseases, earthquakes, acts of genocide, and tsunami just to mention a few. For instance, the Rwandan Genocide almost wiped out the Tutsi community while Adolf Hitler’s regime almost eradicated the Jewish community. During the genocide, more than 6 million Jews were killed, which is a very big percentage considering the fact that this is not a large community. Migration outside the original territory is also a major attribute of extinction of languages. Sociolinguists argue that some languages

Friday, September 27, 2019

Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research Project - Essay Example Data Analysis 10 IV. Research Design 2 10 A. Research Design 2 11 B. Setting, Participants, and Sampling 11 C. Problem Statement, Research Questions and Null Hypotheses 12 D. Variables/Issues 12 E. Data Collection 12 F. Data Analysis 13 References 13 I. Topic The research aims to determine the factors that contribute to the emergence of environmental problems within the U.S. – Mexico border that pose health hazards to the residents within these areas. From a review of related literature, it was revealed that problems that ensue from the area are enumerated as follows: â€Å"1) rapid urbanization and lack of adequate infrastructure, 2) air pollution from open burning, vehicle emissions, and industrial operations, 3) contamination of surface water and groundwater from open sewers and industrial waste, 4) overuse of aquifers and surface streams, 5) transportation and illegal dumping of hazardous waste, and 6) destruction of natural resources† (Western Sustainability and Po llution Prevention , 2011). As such, the current study aims to examine the repercussions of these environmental issues on the health condition of residents living within these areas and to identify recommendations that would address the dilemma. II. Literature Review A. U.S. ... Likewise, the study written by Warner and Jahnke (2003) revealed that in addition to the abovementioned factors, the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993 provided the impetus for facilitating significant socioeconomic, fiscal and political changes that reported to have spurred disparities and challenges in access to health and in regulating subsequent environmental consequences. Specific details and profile on the states and communities within this border were enumerated in Western Sustainability and Pollution Prevention (WSPP) (2011), to wit: â€Å"The border’s length is approximately 2,000 miles, and there are 14 metropolitan areas on both sides, with 4 states on the U.S. side and 6 states on the Mexican side. The states on the U.S. include Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The states on the Mexican side include Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora and Baja California. There are nearly 14 million people that call this re gion home. Typically, the width of the U.S. Mexico border as defined by the La Paz Agreement is 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) into U.S. territory and 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) into Mexican territory† (Western Sustainability and Pollution Prevention , 2011, par. 2). B. Factors Influencing Health Conditions According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2011), the health status and environmental living condition of people residing within the border is influenced by â€Å"trends in population, the economy, and industrial activity† (p. 5). With population projected to increase due to migration to urban and industrialized areas, the report disclosed that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Under Armour's global expansion in a foreign market Essay

Under Armour's global expansion in a foreign market - Essay Example This paper recommends that Under Armour carry out an in-depth analysis on its internal capabilities and the unique Chinese market as well as learn from the examples of Coca-Cola and Nike. One of the main challenges in entering China is the political system which has long been influenced by communist thought. In this huge economy, political intervention is very much prevalent in the private and industrial sector thus curbing competition among industry players. The Chinese government is a strong adherent of local industry protection which makes it very much in tuned and sensitive to the concerns of domestic business organizations to the detriment of multinationals. It should be noted that the political system often hinders growth of foreign companies through legislations which protects the interest of the local players. The political environment posts a significant barrier to entry together with Chinese people’s cultural attitudes towards Western or foreign companies. Unlike other Asian countries which are imbued with colonial mentality, Chinese are known for their preference of buying from domestic companies. The experience of Coca-cola and Nike in the Chinese market suggests that Under Armour enters China by forming an alliance with the government and establishing a joint venture with a local player. Coca-cola’s phenomenal success in this country is its partnership with the government and local companies in production and distribution of its products. Another notable strategy is localizing the products to suit the preference of this unique market. Coca-cola undertakes this by introducing tea products which takes into account the market’s penchant for tea. Even Nike creates products which carries Chinese elements like dragon inspired patterns, red-silk accents, and Chinese characters. Under Armour should also

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Labor Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Labor Relations - Assignment Example Such warning will only be valid for 6months and after completion of 6 months; no disciplinary actions can be taken against W based on such warning. Opinion: there is no witness available for W using inappropriate languages or pushing chair towards L. No corroboration is available that confirming the fact that W had pushed the chair towards legs of L. Due to lack of evidences, no strict action can be taken against W. Answer B: According to Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Article 15 (Discipline/Discharge Procedures), disciplinary actions can be taken against employees only in two conditions such as incompetence or misconduct (University of South Florida, 2013). Disciplinary actions can be taken against particular employee if his/her behavior hurts legitimate interests of employer. Behavior of W has negatively affected legitimate interests of Alternative Calendar Committee (ACC). According to Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Article 15 (Discipline/Discharge Procedures), as labor union representative, employee has the right to ask for investigatory questioning for any kind disciplinary actions (University of South Florida, 2013). Upon such investigatory questioning, no witness has been found that confirming the fact that W had used inappropriate languages or pushed chair towards L. Based on above justification, W can be convicted on the ground of minor misconduct. Due to lack of evidence s, harsh disciplinary actions cannot be taken against W. Phrases like â€Å"legitimate interests†, â€Å"incompetence†, â€Å"misconduct† and â€Å"investigatory questioning† has helped me as arbitrator to understand context of the case and justify the award being mentioned in the earlier question. For example, â€Å"legitimate interests† phrase helped this arbitrator to justify the ground on which disciplinary actions can be taken against W. Therefore, it can be said that (CBA) Article 15 (Discipline/Discharge Procedures)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

OES SPS an Innovation in Repair and Conversion for the Offshore Essay

OES SPS an Innovation in Repair and Conversion for the Offshore Industry - Essay Example Rob Duffin presented a number of issues ranging from the significance of SPS in the transformation of FPSO’s which includes reduction of operational costs, life extensions and easier repair of the current station assets without disruption or operational effects. Another issue presented in the meeting was the compliance of the new technology to anti-piracy measures. I will report each of the issues separately as presented by Rob. The Director of the Institution of Civil Engineers introduced the presenter. Sandwich Plate System (SPS) overview Rob described the SPS is a structural complex consisting of two metal plates joined together using a polyurethane elastomer laminate a definition he got from Lehmann and Egge book published in 2009. Rob asserted that SPS is easier and tougher compared to hardened steel plate and is not as heavy to use as the strengthened concrete. SPS has found various applications in several areas such as structural flooring, pitch and field terraces, fixi ng and construction of ships of ships, and construction of bridges. SPS the Global Perspective Rob derived the global perspective of SPS technology from Kennedy and Ferro’s book published in 2007. Rob reported that all the Global stakeholders have acknowledged SPS as beneficial in the construction industry particularly concerning enhancing performance, sustainability and safety. In the maritime constructions, SPS has replaced the usually hardened steel used in making components such as hulls and bulkheads of ship. SPS reduces the stiffening problem and makes the components less prone to rust and fatigue. SPS is used in the construction of bridge supports and structure floors in replacement of the conventional strengthened concrete. SPS eliminates the problems of fatigue and rust associated with the use of strengthened concrete and steel. SPS place are easier to design and customize to the required dimensions. Some of the benefits of SPS plates include reduction of stiffness i n structures, ease of application and enhancement of designs in deeper-water construction. FPSO conversions –compact Double Hull Just as mentioned by McDermotte in his article Tanker Structural Analysis for Minor Collisions published in the Journal SNAME Vol. 102Technical Note FPSO P-57, typical SPS Overlays in the FPSO conversions entail the cleaning of the existing plate, fusing solid steel perimeter bars to create boundary functions. Rob pointed out that some of the advantages of the SPS Overlay include quicker repair schedules, reduced labor and minimized downtime. The overlay provides permanent upgrading at minimized repair expenses, lessened operating expenses and enhanced revenue potential. Offshore Life Extension According to Rob, McDermott in his article also emphasized the significance of offshore life extensions. SPS Overlay is a quicker and efficient method of reinstating and intensifying offshore crafts and structures. The Overlay thus strengthens the structures and prolongs their lifespan by offering permanent solutions to the previous short-lifespan projects. SPS Overlay allows for construction of high quality vertical and horizontal supports that possess strong impact resistance, lessened fatigue and controlled crack propagation. An advantage with the SPS Overlay application is that is employs the pre-existing or damaged plating to construct parts of the steel laminate panel. This is a cost-saving process while still increasing the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pharmacology Population Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pharmacology Population - Assignment Example In a study by Bartelink, Rademaker, Schobben, et al. (2006), population pk was found to be a very important approach through which not just pharmacokinetic information is obtained from sparse data sets but also pharmacodynamic information obtained from this same sparse data set. Leeder (2004) also observed that there stages in the drug development process where the very large population may be needed but with only a few observations per patient so as to determine the exact and unique differences with drug behavior in each patient based on special characteristics. To achieve this, population pk is employed or used to obtain information at both the phase II and phase III clinical trials among patients. It is not surprising that Ernest, Elder, Martini, et al. (2007) identified population pk as a practice associated with several pharmaceutical companies in the course of their drug development process. Certainly, population pk comes as a single most reliable mechanism by which dosage dete rmination to drugs can be done due to the size of the population used in the sparse data sets, each of whom is observed for very specific outcomes based on their demographic and pathophysiology characteristics. Also writing on the contribution of population pk to drug development, Roosmarijn et al. (2011) found that there are instances when intensive blood sampling can be attained. Meanwhile, Hsieh and Korfmacher (2006) noted that where intensive blood sampling is possible, there is the benefit of replicating the outcomes with particular blood samples for a larger population size. This means that where intensive blood sampling is not possible an alternative is needed to ensure that almost all populations are catered for. Typical situations in drug development where intensive blood sampling has not been attainable include drug development processes for children, cancer, and AIDS.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Diversity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diversity - Assignment Example The company intends to foster remarkable cultures that celebrate diversity. In order to achieve the company’s commitment to promoting diversity, the company has the following objectives. Focusing on providing a remarkably inclusive workplace, which enables each of the employees to utilize skills and competencies and participate in innovation and creativity for the benefit of the company (Bond & Haynes, 2014). In addition, the company exhibits its commitment to diversity in its promotional strategies. Notably, all the employees who have the relevant qualifications for the promotion are eligible to apply. The selection process will have its basis of merit in accordance with the equal employment opportunity and diversity policies. In order to ensure that none of the staff members is disadvantaged, the teams responsible for the promotion give consideration to none traditional patterns of achievement that are evident in any member of the staff regardless of the gender, ethical backgrounds, or disability. In addition, the company will consider a proper assessment of an individual’s achievement relative to opportunity (Armache, 2012). Therefore, applicants should always include their achievements and inform the team so that fairness and diversity can be promoted. The company is committed to ensuring that all the employees receive further training and education in order to improve their competencies. The company appreciates the qualifications of each employee, but has in place a program for training all the new employees. The company operates in unique ways and wants all the employees to understand the basic operations that define the company’s business. In addition, the company also offers training programs for each team. The training programs for different teams are suited to fit their job description. Usually, the training needs of each group are identified from the group

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sherlock Holmes stories Essay Example for Free

Sherlock Holmes stories Essay The Sherlock Holmes stories were first published in strand magazines in the year 1891. The author Conan Doyle, was inspired by other writers including R. L Stevenson, who wrote adventure stories, and Edgar Allen Poe who wrote horror and crime stories. He was also influenced by real events, such as the Jack the Ripper case which was happening at the time. Many people at that time thought it was nosy and disrespectful to read real life stories about dead people, so these fictional stories made them feel less guilty. The fictional stories also calm the public because many real life cases werent solved but the Sherlock Holmes cases always were. This gave people hope and made them less scared. Conan Doyle engages his readers by portraying life in Victorian England in an engaging way. In the man with the twisted lip the reader is introduced to opium dens. Opium was a legal drug at the time of the Victorians. They used to go the little dens underground which women were deprived of using: There were bodies lying in strange fantastic poses, with bowed shoulders and bent knees. Dr Watson said Isa Whitney made good of an opium den in the farthest part of the east of the city. This showed that Watson morally disapproves of these drugs. The fact that they smoked in the east is that they dont want to smoke I an respectable area so the have opiums farthest part of the east of the city. Colonialism was portrayed in The Speckled Band as Dr Roylott set up a medical practice in India. Another thing about Victorian times was the difference in authority and rights, and how the white upper class could easily get away with murder. An example of that was colonialism; in the story Dr Roylett killed his native butler who was Indian. However Dr Roylett was English and people like him were seen as powerful. So when he killed his butler he could easily get away with the capital punishment. However if he was an Indian he would have got a death sentence. This is because in the Indian culture who ever murders shall be repaid by being sentenced to death. Britain was as patriarchal society where the men were dominant and the bread-winners, and governed their own families by paternal right. An example is of Dr Roylott, his wife died, and she had left a lot of money. However the money had to go to his daughters when they marry. That is when the complications happen as Dr Roylott did not want to give the money away. Arthur Conan Doyle indulges and engages his readers into his books, Doyles talent was seen as he was describing his characters in an interesting way, e. g. The Man with the Twisted Lip. Holmes was disguised as an old man and he was very thin. Also much wrinkled bent with age, and an opium pipe dangling between his knees. He went to the opium bar where people drink and smoke cocaine, he thinks that the dens are dark gloomy and socially unpleasant place to be. This is shown of the sentence; approached by a steep flight of steps leading down to a black gap like the mouth of a cave. Also I found the latch and made my way into a long, low room, thick and heavy of an emigrant ship. This is strange for the readers as they do not expect a detective that solves mysteries and problems to admit that he also smoke cocaine. Further the author gave Holmes a personality that surprises readers. He says I suppose that you imagine that I have been addicted opium smoking and to cocaine injections. This shows that he has a dual personality. He is two sided, smoking cocaine then solving a mystery which is eccentric. Conan Doyle uses contrast in The Red Headed league to represent Holmes, it states and extreme languor to devouring energy. This suggests that one minute Sherlock was tired and lazy, the next he was bursting with energy. Conan Doyle is also good at using sexual imagery. Where it states lust of the chase, that would suddenly come upon him, this shows that he is passionate about his job and loves it the way a man loves a woman. He also uses effective animal imagery, Hunt down describes him as a vicious as a predator hunting down its prey. Conan Doyle describes settings in an interesting way. In The Red Headed League he uses exaggeration when he says every man who has a shade of red in their hair into the city answered the advertisement. He also uses good personification e. g. fleet street was choked. This is good because the reader knows that Fleet Street is not human because only humans choke when there is too much food consumed so suffocating. However fleet Street choked means it was crowded up with people and hardly any space. This is a good way too keeps the readers engaged and thinking. Color imagery to gives a better image of the scene e. g. Irish setter, brick, liver, clay. So it is not just saying red or blue bricks however adding metaphors. So it is making the reader imagine the colors it their head on what it looks like. Conan Doyle also uses a range of similes e. g. court looked like a casters orange barrow it gives the reader a picture on how many red headed people, its crowded this showed how the court may have looked like. Furthermore he describes the settings of his stories in a way that interest the readers. In the speckled band, as Conan Doyle uses pathetic fallacy. Pathetic fallacy is when nature reflects the mood, like; the wind was howling, rain was beating splashing against the window. This is a bit like personification which gives an impression that the weather is horrible, reflecting the awful tragedy that is occurring in the house. The weather represented the mood and atmosphere of the scene in the story. The house was described as, the building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone, with a high central potion and two curving wings, like the claws of a crab, thrown out on each side, in one of these the windows were broken and blocked with wooden boards, while the roof was partially caved in, a picture of ruin. The poor state of the house represents the deterioration and poor mental health of Dr Roylett. The stories are all structured in a similar way. In Sherlock Holmes stories is usually detective work it usually follows as. A client introduces the case to the detectives. In The Speckled Band there are two victims, one already dead, the other, Miss Helen Stoner, fearing for her life. When we first see Miss Helen Stoner in the story, she is dressed in black and heavily veiled. We can tell that she is terrified straight away when she talks. The first thing she says is It is not cold which makes me shiver, said the woman in a low voice. It is fear, Mr. Holmes. It is terror. The impact on the reader for this shows exactly how she was feeling, and how scared she was because she believes that she is going to die like her sister that died two years before. She believes that her sister was either frightened to death or killed by gypsies, because when this woman Helen found her sister the last words that she said were: Helen! Oh my God, Helen! It was the band! The speckled band! Next the detective analyses the client to demonstrate their detective skill. This was shown when he observed a train ticket in Mrs. Helen right glove. He also worked out that she took a cart before reaching the station because her jacket was muddy. He worked that one out because he said there is no vehicle save a dog cart which throws mud in that way, and then only when you sit on the left hand side of the driver. This gave Helen stoner a shock as to the series of accurate information. This shows that Sherlock was a bit of a show off demonstrating his extraordinary skills. Being as clever as that is essential for a successful detective. After that the detective visits the crime scene. At night Sherlock went to Dr Roylottes house. He gave the woman set instruction to lock herself in her room so the detectives would sleep in her sisters room for the night. So Sherlock wanted to investigate why there is a constant whistle during the night. Holmes investigated the whole house and he build up a plan to catch the murderer. Holmes had found out that there was an air-vent that was inside the house between the sisters room and the stepfathers. Holmes now was in the room that Helen was supposed to be in and suddenly the light was lit in the stepfathers room, and then Sherlock jumped and hit the bell robe under the air-vent which revealed a snake.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effect of Social Media on Relationship Satisfaction

Effect of Social Media on Relationship Satisfaction Implications of Social Media to Relationship Satisfaction and Conflict Resolution Skills Introduction Social media is a group of internet based applications which build on the technological and ideological foundations of Web 2.0. They allow exchange and creation of content generated by various users. Currently, the major sites that provide ample networking include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr. In addition to these, there exists multiple end-user new sites that support only two way participant interaction and communication. The most recent is WhatsApp. This allows for a more personalized interaction. Usage for social media is measured through frequency of logins, postage, updates and interactions. The traditional relationship model has been altered by the success of the new media forms which include social media websites and text messaging (Coyne et al., 2011). According to Coyne, social media affects the communication in a romantic relationship thus influencing satisfaction. It also identified that how family members and friends relate is also influenced. The article reviews the literature available in relation to how social media can either minimize or improve the satisfaction in a relationship. In addition, it realizes that through social media, other interpersonal skills may either be lost or developed. One of the key social interpersonal skill is conflict handling which relies heavily on communication. The article sheds focus on it as well. Discussion The younger generation and the modern culture has witnessed communication being turned into a social dialogue by social media. According to Qualman, (2009), social media is rated as the number use of the Internet which is an always growing percentage. The connectivity throughout the globe has thus been growing. Therefore there are people who meet through the internet. Dependency on social media has thus been growing. Looking at why so many individuals are growing the admiration for social media, the impact it has on users and society is critical. The literature reviewed seems to be focusing on how addiction to social media relate with interpersonal relationships. Social Media Use Uses and Gratifications Theory was used to study social media use (Sheldon, 2008). In this study, Sheldon aimed at discovering reasons as to why students had grown in addiction to Facebook use. Frequent checks on Facebook accounts had grown to be routine behaviour. The reasons for always being online were entertainment and diversion, to keep informed, good feelings, peer identity, sounds and sights, communication, coolness and career (Charney Greenberg, 2001). The above thus highlights why social media becomes a variable in the satisfaction of a relationship. Media and Relationships Both mobile and web-based technologies have presented newer forms of media which now allows the users to be more interactive considering the content. Such technologies have created an interactive platform in which communities and individuals share, modify and create user generated content (Kietzmenn et. al, 2011). User generated content has grown over the years to the present state in which the aspects now associated with social media are identity being the most important, presence, reputation, relationships, groups, conversations and sharing. One’s identity in the internet is revealed by the extent of disclosure (Kietzmenn et. al, 2011). Although technology can be critical in beginning relationships, it may be the key contributor in the ending of a relationship. According to Brown (2011), social media creates virtual and natural distance thus it allows for individuals to conduct unpleasant interpersonal skills. This demonstrates the negative effects of social media in a relationship. The presence of an individual is not key in a breakup process as social media could be employed as the mediator. In virtual communications, there are options for social network sites, e-mail, text messaging, cell phones, even webcams and blogs. Each of these mediums has a key role in the maintenance, initiation and relationship termination (Coyne et. al, 2011). Most couples turn to a given kind of communication and maintain certain media forms. Text messaging is a common form because it is accessible while other aspects such as Facebook demonstrate affection. Messaging is first thus an immediate way in which partners can demonstrate immediate affection. Ideally it is difficult to predict how social media will affect interpersonal relationships in future, however, researchers have focused to identify the effects that have been recorded so far. At this point, the researchers have shifted focus to cyber-optimists and cyber-pessimists. The latter is of the view that Internet has a negative effect on social life while cyber-optimists maintain the effect could be positive (Pollet et. al, 2011). The researchers identify some relationships are dependent on social media. Internet Dependency Looking at the average use in American homes of technology, Kelly (2011) believes that technological revolution time has been attained. People now access what they desire within the blink of an eye. Internet dependency is about how individuals have made internet to become a priority in most of their day to day activities. The growing nature of the media and the internet further elaborates the need on analysing relationship dependency. Interpersonal Relationship Satisfaction Interpersonal relationships’ interactions can be conducted nonverbally, verbally and currently, computer-mediated communication and social media allows for the interaction to be virtual. Usefulness of communication is determined by interpersonal relationship satisfaction. The content of the communication and future interactions are also key (Anderson Emmers-Sommer, 2006). According to many psychologists, satisfaction in a close relationship means that there is adequate communication in addition to comfort during the interaction at hand. Communication satisfaction results to closeness, immediacy with increased disclosure to the relational partner. Satisfaction in a given relationship refers to the notch to which an individual is not only satisfied but also content with her or his relationship. When the degree is high, the relationship may turn out to be lengthy and successful. Determinants of a relationship satisfaction include trust, intimacy, similarity, commitment, attribution confidence and communication satisfaction (Anderson Emmers-Sommer, 2006). The higher the rate of this predictors, the higher the satisfaction rates. Internet is easily and often accessed thus it has changed how we conduct our communication thereby influencing the present quality of romantic relationships. In a relationship, satisfaction sprouts from a positive level of contentment, needs, wants and expectations being met by a partner as well as having a mutually beneficial position in the relationship. Face-to-face interactions improve relationship satisfaction with nonverbal communication being a key area (Emmers-Sommer, 2004). According to Anderson Emmers-Sommer (2006), there is direct relationship between relationship satisfaction and partner communication. They added that face-to-face communication are key in the maintain ace of relationship satisfaction. Social Media and Relationship Satisfaction Individuals in online relationships do not have the ability to physically see each other. As a result therefore, there is great need that communication satisfaction is attained. The online platform is thus a base for which the relationship could grow, be maintained and satisfaction of each other. Communication lengths and terminology are existing examples of familiarity that exists between online interactions and face-to-face communication. In the current world, Twitter, Facebook and text messaging are part of the relationship life cycle in which many partnerships for men in the range of 18-24 spend a lot of time in social media. Implications of Social Media on Relationships Most of the young adults currently use social media multiple times a day for relationship purposes and communication. Social media is appealing in that it has content that is user-generated and dynamic as well. Social media accessibility gives user the authority to remain connected with people and they can thus contact each other frequently. Studies have found out that relationship satisfaction depends mainly on communication which could imply that the medium for communication does not necessarily matter. Individuals aged 18-24 are fond of both Facebook and Twitter. Understanding intentions and motivations in the mediums is one of the key factors that would advise on whether an individual has priority for relationships. The two provide critical information as well as communication and this becomes an integral psychological need for which people grow, survive and learn. The concern hereby should be how dependency on social media is influencing the modern medium for communication. Face -to-face communication has received neglect as individuals are adopting text messaging as the priority medium. It is a utilization of modern technology in the increase and improvement of communication for interpersonal relationships. Understanding such implications is essential for relationships improvement and social media communication. With more frequent use of social media in modern life, individuals can still find a way of maintaining an interpersonal relationship that is satisfying through these or other mediums. As a result therefore, communication in social media should improve quality relationship and not cause negative effects. Social Networking and Conflict Resolution The social media platform allows interaction for people who know each other as well as individuals who have absolutely no clue about each other. Most internet users have ended up co-constructing their own environment. In this environment, each participant has a social role to play. According to Greenfield and Yan (2006), any individual who might be affected by the social media environment especially for being a participant creates a new environment and they thus have a dual core in controlling technological side-effects thus large scale implications. Communication has an integral role to play in personal relationships. In essence, relationships can be assessed by communication skills. Therefore, communication impairment hinders successful relational development especially for the young adults. There are impacts on various sets of life areas such as socialization, employment, school performance and family relationships. In addition, the mere fact that the young adults may fail to resolve conflicts may end up jeopardizing safety which could then result to chronic acts of violence that include fighting, verbal threats, pushing, punching and grabbing (Woody, 2001). The development of interpersonal skill in handling conflicts may be impacted by the excessive use of modern technology. Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills The most important use of the Internet for adolescents is communication (Greenfield Yan, 2006). Responses to hypothetical conflict situations in the social media industry is similar to the responses in real life. The decline observed in the face-to-face interaction would imply that there is decreased potential in handling of real-life conflicts. To support thus, Mishna (2009) found that in his research, adolescents recorded high cases of conflicts with parents in addition to communication levels that were still low with their parents. In addition, the research indicated that the adolescents who frequently used online communication and were in significant trouble or were frightened failed to reach out and have face-to-face communication with their parents. At this point, it is key to note that such adolescents miss out on a psychological development in which they should receive education on handling conflicts from parents. For social media, just like face to face communication, a rel ationship may turn to be volatile and unpredictable. In adopting the social exchange theory, psychologists indicate that the principle of maximizing benefits while minimizing costs is prominent in social behaviour. This is applicable in conflict resolution. One must give to receive. For maximum satisfaction, the degree of expected rewards has to be greater than the degree of expected costs expended during interaction. For the social exchange theory, Ripa and Carrasco (2007) maintain that the six major rewards are both intangible and tangible. They include information, services, goods, status, money and love. The social exchange theory is influenced by the role of psychological, social, political, economic and historical factors. Technologically therefore, exchanges between individuals should capture a mutual cost-benefit structure (Drussell, 2012). The energy and time that one spends in texting, comments’ posting and Facebook updates directly perceives rewards of responses and likes. The sense of power can be endured in social media especially with high number of followers, friends, likes, comments and shares. While that may exist, the opposite may occur for which an individual has minimal of the above. It would thus mean that fear and rejection grows in them. In addition, the objects relations theory is applicable for this scenario. Psychologists differentiate this theory from the rest on the basis that it pays attention on how needs are not met or are met in a relationship. This contrasts the idea of impulses and drives. In this theory, external needs should be met by other people. The external needs are inclusive of being valued and viewed as individual by others, being accepted for both negative and positive qualities and being given protection, love and care (Ripa Carrasco, 2007). Internet-based communication and texting facilitate a relationship world that is virtual. It allows users to internalize other people’s mental representations. With the abs ence of face-to-face communication, the participants rely on constructions to incorporate meaning and imagination to such relationships. As a result therefore, users’ internal worlds may be vastly different from the facts that they present in the social networking environment. The conflict resolution process is complicated and communication as the reality facts may be hidden in the interactions. According to Drussell, (2012), texting and Facebook have failed at improving the ability in resolving conflicts. In the study, it was identified that despite the fact there were many individuals who adopted social media and used it frequently, in most cases they did not turn to it when solving conflicts. The study deduced the fact that most young adults deemed it wise to solve conflicts on a face-to-face communication. However, there were concerns in which case social media users did not personally know each other and had a considerable distance between them. For such cases, when conflict arose, it was probably never revisited. Such a relationship would be difficult to mend through social media and a large population would prefer to abandon it entirely. Conclusion The basis for conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction lies on communication. Social networking seems to facilitate communication at various levels. Social network users vary along continuum which is inclusive of negative, neutral and positive attitudes. Regardless of the attitude, the literature review indicates that communications may be misinterpreted during these kinds of communication. That is one of the weakness that social networking has in comparison to face-to-face communication. The communication aspect that is strengthened by social media makes friendship even stronger. The major worry for many individuals is that social media and networking seems to be causing a deterioration of persons’ ability to talk with each other. The face-to-face talk is the one suffering in the face of prominent social media dependency. Social media can be a source of conflict in the relationships, the best approach in handling such a conflict should be face-to-face communication a nd interaction. Going by the literature reviewed, social media users do not feel unsatisfied in interpersonal relationships that they engage in. The observation is that, social media improves satisfaction in a relationship as it brings about the issue of frequent interactions. Long distance relationships benefit from this interaction though further psychological based research should be done in relation to it. Technology will keep on evolving for which case social media prominence will still persist. Further research on the impacts of social media prominence is essential to understand how society will be impacted. References Anderson, T., Emmers-Sommer, T. (2006). Predictors of relationship satisfaction in online romantic relationships. Communication Studies, 57(2), 153-172. doi:10.1080/10510970600666834 Brown, A. (2011). Relationships, community, and identity in the new virtual society. Futurist, 45(2), 29-34. Charney, T., Greenberg, B. (2001). Uses and gratifications of the Internet. In C. Lin D. Atkin (Eds.), Communication, technology and society: New media adoption and uses and gratifications (pp. 383-406). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton. Coyne, S., Stockdale, L., Busby, D., Iverson, B., Grant, D. (2011). I luv u :)!: A descriptive study of the media use of individuals in romantic relationships. Family Relations, 60(2), 150-162. Drussell, J. (2012). Social Networking and Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills among College Freshmen. Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers. Paper 21. Emmers-Sommer, T. M. (2004). The effects of communication quality and quantity indicators on intimacy and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 24, 399-411. Greenfiled, P. Yan, Z. (2006). Children, adolescents, and the internet: A new field of inquiry in developmental psychology. Developmental Psychology, 42 (3). 391-394. Kelly, K. (2011). Understanding technological evolution and diversity. Futurist, 45(2), 44-48. Kietzmann, J. H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I. P., Silvestre, B. S. (2011). Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business Horizons, 54(SPECIAL ISSUE: SOCIAL MEDIA), 241-251. Mishna, F., McLuckie, A., Saint, M. (2009). Real-world dangers in an online reality: A qualitative study examining online relationships and cyber abuse. Social Work Research, 33 (2). 107-118. Pollet, T. V., Roberts, S. B., Dunbar, R. M. (2011). Use of social network sites and instant messaging does not lead to increased offline social network size, or to emotionally closer relationships with offline network members. Cyberpsychology, Behavior Social Networking, 14(4), 253-258. Qualman, E. (2009, August 11). Statistics show social media is bigger than you think. Retrieved from Sheldon, P. (2008). Student favorite: Facebook and motives for its use. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 23(2), 39-53.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Something Wicked This Way Comes Essay -- Essays Papers

Something Wicked This Way Comes Throughout Something Wicked This Way Comes there is an ongoing battle between good and evil, and many problems dealing with greed. In most stories good prevails, but things happen differently this time. The characters have problems with greed and evil thoughts, which will bring them misfortune throughout the story. During the story the author often uses foreshadowing to give hints to the reader of things that will happen in the future. When the story starts, a storm is coming on a late October night. The storm symbolizes the evil approaching the town. Usually it seems a storm would resemble something dark and evil, because a stormy night is always a classic setting for something evil. At the climax of the story, Charles Halloway reads a passage ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System :: Education Turkey Educational Essays

State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System Since 2000 B.C., when Turkey first appeared on the pages of history, the country has been a part of many different civilizations and has been constantly developing into the nation that we see today.? Turkey?s educational system has been developing as well.? The control of the educational system in Turkey is very much rooted in the State and is primarily controlled by the Ministry of National Education (commonly referred to as ?the Ministry?).? I found a good summary of the aim of the Ministry which stated that the goal of the Turkish national education system could be summed up as being, one where all individuals of the state are gathered together as an inseparable whole, united in national consciousness and thinking, trained to think along scientific lines with intellectually broadened views on world affairs, and to be productive happy individuals, who through their skills contribute to the prosperity of society and are instrumental in making the Turkish nation a creative and d istinguished member of the modern world. (MFA) The overall structure of how education actually works in Turkey is very rigid and detailed.? It seems that the Ministry has been the most significant in modifying the educational systems of Turkey within the past few years.? In 1997, for example, the required five years of primary school was replaced by eight years of primary school (Council).? There are other similar minor changes that have occurred over the past few years, but none of them, to my knowledge, have been drastically altering.? Also, In all of my research, it was difficult for me to find contrary information on any of the old systems and how they may have differed from the present day educational system, so I conclude that the system has been roughly uniform and similar, while obviously evolving over the years, for quite some time. ?As I mentioned earlier, the educational system of Turkey is very rigid and detailed, but at the same time appears to be very efficient.? All students in Turkey attend eight years of primary school, followed by three to four years of secondary school.? Turkey?s educational system, at this point, strays quite a bit from the educational system that most of us have grown up with in America.? Secondary education generally consists of a type of specialization for each individual student? State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System :: Education Turkey Educational Essays State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System Since 2000 B.C., when Turkey first appeared on the pages of history, the country has been a part of many different civilizations and has been constantly developing into the nation that we see today.? Turkey?s educational system has been developing as well.? The control of the educational system in Turkey is very much rooted in the State and is primarily controlled by the Ministry of National Education (commonly referred to as ?the Ministry?).? I found a good summary of the aim of the Ministry which stated that the goal of the Turkish national education system could be summed up as being, one where all individuals of the state are gathered together as an inseparable whole, united in national consciousness and thinking, trained to think along scientific lines with intellectually broadened views on world affairs, and to be productive happy individuals, who through their skills contribute to the prosperity of society and are instrumental in making the Turkish nation a creative and d istinguished member of the modern world. (MFA) The overall structure of how education actually works in Turkey is very rigid and detailed.? It seems that the Ministry has been the most significant in modifying the educational systems of Turkey within the past few years.? In 1997, for example, the required five years of primary school was replaced by eight years of primary school (Council).? There are other similar minor changes that have occurred over the past few years, but none of them, to my knowledge, have been drastically altering.? Also, In all of my research, it was difficult for me to find contrary information on any of the old systems and how they may have differed from the present day educational system, so I conclude that the system has been roughly uniform and similar, while obviously evolving over the years, for quite some time. ?As I mentioned earlier, the educational system of Turkey is very rigid and detailed, but at the same time appears to be very efficient.? All students in Turkey attend eight years of primary school, followed by three to four years of secondary school.? Turkey?s educational system, at this point, strays quite a bit from the educational system that most of us have grown up with in America.? Secondary education generally consists of a type of specialization for each individual student?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A slave’s diary

Day 1 The worst possible has happened I have had my home stricken from me by a white skinned demon and am now delimited to a water bound hell. Each lapping wave from the tempestuous sea that carries us to our unknown destination takes a small part of my resolve in its wake. I am fettered to a long pole and my movements are restricted by a chain which runs through the various binds of my neighbours. Once the white men took one of our number out of this place, although I think that it is not out of any form of kindness as he came back pained the smell of burning flesh following close behind. I sit here next to members of the mugimbi tribe and as such there is not much for conversation; the chafing of my binds burns me just as many a question burns my mind. What is this place? Why are we here? Is this hell? Am I dead? I hope that the answers will come to me before long because I sense that I will not be leaving this place soon. Day 12 I am still locked in this place. It has become difficult to distinguish night from day, to distinguish the smell of decay emitting from the first of our number to pass away, mostly children, and the smell of our own excrement. But it is not the smell that bothers me it is the cacophony of children's screams and women's cries, this is inhuman! These white men must come from hell. It has become unbearable. If I do not leave this place soon then I shall truly lose what little sanity I have been able to rescue from the abominable power of the waves. I have yet to be taken out and burned by the hand of the white demon, it is happening more frequently now, as if they do this to us in order to pass the time. Monsters. Recently I have found a form of salvation. It was so obvious I cannot believe it took me up to this point to realise it. We could call upon the Gods through tribe song. Prayers must not have been heard but when we sing I can feel the power of the Gods flow through me once more . Day 34 I do not believe we will ever leave this place. The white demons must be waiting until we are all dead. Just under a quarter of us have surrendered to eternal sleep ceasing their cries and escaping this nightmare. It must only be a matter of time before I too contribute the putrid atmosphere. It has improved a little though, I truly believe there is an angel amongst the demons, although he too speaks in tongues he seems to have the capacity for mercy, he washed us out and removed the liquid remains of those who had passed on, he even gave me some more food. Perhaps these men are not demonic but simply misguided? Fear has left me now, as if it was flowing through my veins for so long that I no longer had the power to hold it so that it seeped out the pores. Also we have created a worship dance that is possible considering our current restricted movement, the limbo. We sing and clap and try to lower ourselves below the bar that binds us, it is almost symbolic. The white men do not like it when we do this they seem to wish to stop any sort of bonding between us. Perhaps this is to prevent us from overpowering them, however if we are so bound I cannot think of how we could do so unless of course we are one day to be relased! Day 42 I was taken above today. It was the first time I had seen the sky in far too long, my limbs were sore and weakened from the restriction of movement and lack of exercise. I did not realise what they wanted me to do but I think that they were just doing it for their own enjoyment. How one could be so inhuman I do not know, they brought the fury of their tarred leather whip upon me. Slashing at my flesh, removing the skin from my back until I convulsed with pain. They laughed. I did not mind so much that they turn their fury upon me but I cannot accept that they do this to women and children. I was thrown back down into the darkness, bound again onto the pole sitting in a pool of my own blood. Day 43 I feel myself slipping away now, my surroundings fading into insignificance, I accept death. I welcome it. Invite it. Darkness is consuming me, this will me my last entry, thank you for allowing me to collate my thoughts. adieu.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Annihilation of Caste

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