Sunday, January 26, 2020
Approaches for Organisational Management
Approaches for Organisational Management Introduction: Human resource management is a strategic and rational approach towards the management of the organisations most esteemed assets, the people who normally work inside the organisation independently and collectively contribute to the accomplishment of its goals organisational success progressively depends on the abilities, knowledge and skills of the employees mainly as the help to establish a set of core competencies that distinguish an organisation from its competitors. In modern market place human resource management plays an important role for the existence of modern business organisation. However, the role of HRM strategies is massive for development of the business through organisational success. Different approaches to HRM to aid the development of business strategy: The meaning and nature of HRM has aggravated much debate (for an overview see Legge, 1995).Sisson (1990) Distinguished HRM by explaining four distinguishing features, that is the assimilation of personnel policies with business planning; responsibility From specialists to line managers responsibility has to be shifted; uniqueness in the management of employee relations and an emphasis on securing employee dedication and initiative. Guest (1992, p.42) argues that HRM is designed to produce, Strategic integration, high commitment, high quality and flexibility and that, Strategic integration refers to the ability of the organisation to integrate HRM issues into its strategic plans, to ensure that the various aspects of HRM cohere and for line managers to fit in an HRM perspective into their decision-making. Hendry and Pettigrew (1986) contrast that strategic HRM is featured by four fundamentals: the use of planning; the design by a coherent approach and management of workforce systems underpinned by some philosophy; business approach is coordinated with the HRM actions and policy; and considering the people of the organisation as strategic resources in the accomplishment of competitive strategy. Human resource requires in an organisation will vary at different stages in the business life cycle and so HR policy choices need to be personalized to the appropriate stage (Kochan and Barocci,1985; Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall, 1988). Sisson (1994) suggests that it was the pursuit of competitive advantage in the.There is a number of different approaches in HRM to aid the development of business strategy. It can be professed as social ethics, reminding the senior management about their social responsibilities.HRM department spent most of time functioning on personal welfare problems. The main concern of HRM is the control of personnel as well as reduces the absent rate of employee, work force budgeting and headcount. In other way of HRM helps to develop the business, likewise, to adapt the company with the change and strives to have positive influences by using social science applications to man agreement problems by via job redesign, job satisfaction scheme and techniques of communication. Sometimes HRM deals with job recruitment, transfer and termination by the request from manager. Moreover, human resource management concerned strategic business planning, developing long-term human resources plan and industrial relation strategy. HR planning and acquisition Organisation design structure Organisations strategy Training development Compensation Management Organisation Performance Management Management of employee relations HR mobility management HR toolbox management Figure: Human Resource Management system The key success of any business organisation is human resource. So HRM use these human resources effectively to meet the strategic business objectives of the organisation. Necessity of alignment between organisations corporate strategy and objectives and its human resource strategy: In perfect world, the business and strategic organisational plan are the translated form of organisational mission and goals. According to the principle of alignment, to achieve corporate goals in every aspects of an organisations activities have to be incorporated and pull together. The performance of the people within the organisation depends on the achievement of strategy and vision which in turn calls for high level of motivation and dedication among employees. The organisational mission, goals and values is reflected by the performance of the employees and their excellent performance relies on the opportunities how much they are getting from the business. In an organisation different functional area like: marketing, manufacturing and human resource, after formulating corporate and business level strategy managers need to translate strategic precedence into these areas. This contains all the different aspects of business but predominantly have to be comprehensible between the requirements of organisations strategy and HR policy. There are two types of fit that HR policy and practices require to attain: a) Internal alignment b) External alignment Internal Alignment: In internal alignment managers must have to make sure that their HR practices are all associated with one another within the organisations to set up a formation that is reinforced mutually. From organisations point of view the whole variety of HR practices-job design, training, staffing, performance appraisal and compensation must have to be focused on the same personnel objectives. External Alignment: The link between business strategies and key initiatives in human resource are mainly focused by external alignment. The processes required in order to assess the effectiveness of human resource strategy and its impact on overall corporate strategy: Diagram: Typical strategic recruitment process Dynamic Environment Recruitment requisition Position analysis Vision Position description Strategic business plan Human resource strategy Human resource plans and policy Recruitment process Position evaluation Key stakeholders Budget check sourcing Dynamic Environment Pool of applicants Selection process Source: Nankervis A, Compton, R, Braid, M, 2005, Strategic Human Resource Management (6th edition), Cengage, South Melbourne. Recruitment: A major concern is a recruitment and retention of staff; especially where the pool of availability of workforce is limited. However, due to the requirement of high skill personnel, a shortage of prospective recruits exists in an organisation. The decision of staffing has been formalised by the HRM department at head office. Organisations provide work for people in different position to achieve their own goals. Most of the organisations have vacancy at different time around the year and they need to be filled them on time to continue their work effectively. For recruit and select the best person for the vacancy organisations have to follow certain processes. The personnel decision process helps the organisation to make a decision about the person to who is going to appoint. It makes sure that it will be fairly treated with all the individuals who are going to apply for the post. All the candidates are evaluated on the basis of related skills and behaviours. The outputs of every decision affect the working lives of employees, whose requirements must be met. The organisational productivity increasingly depends on these employees because of hiring right person for the job. The human resources decisions based on the following seven steps: 1. Getting job oriented information through job analysis. The process of identifying tasks, duties and responsibilities is job analysis. Once it has been completed, job analysis leads to identify the knowledge, abilities and skills required to do the job that is job description. After that, organisations will continue through job specification. 2. Identify the measures of job success: There is way of measuring job success called criteria and that is measured through organisational psychologist. 3. Identify predictors and measures 4. Determining the relationship between and predictors job success 5. Developing a recruitment strategy 6. Implementing the selection process 7. Determining the worth of selection system An organisation basically follows two strategies for recruiting suitable qualified individuals. These are- Internal recruitment An Organisation first tries to fill an open position internally through current employees inside the organisation by advertising. External recruitment There are wide range of strategies for recruiting people from outside the organisation like-giving advertisement at newspaper by providing information about job requirements, job duties and responsibilities. The other way of recruiting is through internet. It will create problems for them who dont have the access the internet. Large organisations visit campuses of universities of technologies to recruit their candidates is known as campus recruitment. Sometimes organisations employ human resources recruitment agencies and their services are to provide the whole recruitment process. These are not on low-cost. The least costly external recruitment technique is employee referrals technique. This is a technique by which ask to someone in current employees about they have someone who is interested for this open position. The main advantages of external recruitment are that helps to get new ideas and skills into the organisation. Sometimes it does create problems for them because they dont have knowledge about the new environment and culture. Employees need to spend more time on that. Selection: The process of choosing appropriate candidates for the organisation when it has received applications for open jobs is known as selection. This is the final steps of recruitment process. It is the combinations of eight basic steps. Recruiting candidates Carrying out application form Screening test Checking of reference Arrangement of psychological test Arrange interview for selection Medical check up Making an offer to successful candidates There are some additional terms which used by the organisational psychologist during the process of selection. These are-job selection ratios, realistic preview of job and cut-off. Retention: It is very important and ongoing issue. Its a serious problem when an organisation will have to face continuously for the estimated future. An organisation always wants to retain employees in short of supply and they want to have alternatives. Organisations always keep going on developing their own plan to retain employees by conveying responsibility. The main base of retention job description, recruitment, selection and orientation. Mainly retention focus on job satisfaction and fit with the organisational culture and the strategies based on this should focus on maximising three types of satisfaction. These are personal, professional and social. If organisation fails to recruit right person for the right track then organisations has to suffer and employees has to suffer as well. For example; hidden cost incurred by the management to fix that problems. For that reason organisation has to loss their productivity. From the employees point of view-they have to face problems due to not h aving proper skills in specified job. They have to spent more time and energy on finding new position. Overall they become frustrated. Communication, recognition and future orientation are the key attributes for successful strategies for retention. There are different types of retention strategies based on organisational situations-strategies based on compensation, strategies based on work environment and strategies based on career orientation. Strategy based on compensation: There are some organisation focuses on compensation such as IT firms. Strategies based on work environment: Most of the organisations focus on internal environment of the organisation or the culture of the organisation. Strategies based on career development: some companies focus on retention strategies through career development. Training, Learning and Development: Training plays an important role for the development of all employees which responds to individuals and helps to achieve organisational requirements by improving performance and understanding (Armstrong, 1992).Considering with the strategic direction, how the organisations core competencies of employees can be identified and advantages taken from environmental factors. From the training and development terms, this can implement the classical training cycle and business planning come close to determining training needs (Mayo and Pickard, 1998). Organisation objective Planning Evaluating Delivering Figure: Business objectives within the training life cycle (winter, 1995). The training strategy is a system that determines the competencies required for the organization in the future and how it can be achieved. Organisations need these training strategies for different perspectives like- -To increase the productivity through expenditure on capital improvements -To increase the productivity through spending on developing human capital Different methods of training for people: Generally there are two types of training methods. a) On-site training methods 1) On the job training: In this training method, trainees get training under the direction of someone and encouraging them to gain knowledge and observe more and more from the existing experienced employees. Though its formal training so every employee get some initial knowledge from it. 2) Job rotation: This training method allows people to move in different department of the organisations. Through this job rotation employees develop skills in different section more than they would get from staying in one department. 3) Apprenticeship: Apprenticeship is a particular form on the job training though which a particular level employees used to get information about skilled trade (Goldstein Ford, 2002).For example; different company like:-electrician,plumber,carpenter,pipefitter,sheet metal worker etc. Is used this approach. b) Off-site training methods 1) Classroom lectures: Its one of the common methods of job training. It can provide large number of information at a time and easy to deliver it to the large no of trainees at a time. 2) Instruction in the form written material or forms based on computer. 3) Computer based training (CBT): Its a way training by which trainees can communicate and transfer and get information from instructor through computer, television etc. (Goldstein Ford, 2002).Its distance learning. Development of HR: Human Resource is the framework for employees can develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, abilities. Human resource development include; employee training, employee career, development, performance management and development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification. Understand the organizational needs and future demand as well as future capability, and know what talent it has available to it. And prove, as far possible, a career challenge to individuals that helps them to meet their aspirations. In developing the organization, personal development also important for the organizational improvement, because a individual persons are the set of organizational power mean resources. In bellow there the method of development: Individual Support- Organizational Interest- Dialogue Accreditation Organizational Mapping Performance Management Career-counselling Succession planning Appraisal discussion Career-planning Secondments Career discussion Personal plans Manpower/skills planning Development centres Mentoring Training prioritisation Vacancy management Learning resource centres Retention Strategies Self-managed learning 360 degree feedback Potential assessment Managerial coaching External coaching High-flyer development Flexible working Training facilities getting to grips with the needs of a job quickly, and by improving the knowledge and skill of worker it allows the employee improved quality, and enhance of skill based on the employee could lead to their job enrichment with benefits to both the person and the organization. Motivational impact of training in a manifest when staff feel a sense of reorganization when sent on training course, and after been trained they are motivated to acquire new skills, particularly when rewards follow the acquisition and use of skills. Identification with organization could be fostered when a better understanding of mission statements and corporate objectives is achieved through training. Strategies for positive employee relation: Employees are the stake holder of the organisation and cant be compared with task, functions, process or products. Emotional support and personal considerations are required for them to understand them. Its very complicated to draw up employees inventory and arrange them in warehouse in a systematic way. Any decisions regarding this will attempt a negative impact on them and may cause a break down in operations. So it is very important for the organisation to identify and value those differences and always give importance on the achieving positive and fruitful employee relations. The main concern of employee relations strategy: How to minimise the conflict by maintaining employee relations through building stable and cooperative relationships. How to achieve employee commitment though involvement of employee involvement and communication processes. -How to develop interest in employees towards the achievement of organisational goals. Strategic direction. The approaches of human resource management towards employee relations: To drive them for commitment: To get all the employees with the organisations by winning their heart and minds and make sure a fruitful return on training and development. A emphasizing on mutuality: getting the letter across that we are all together in this. A shifting of collective bargaining in the organisation to individual. By using of employee involvement techniques. Through applying total quality management (TQM) To use human resources more effectively sometimes increase flexibility in working environment, including multi skilling By giving more importance on team work Once organisation has established it is very difficult to change the organisations culture, this means to change the employee relationships culture is also difficult. The organisation will become more successful when senior management think employee relationship strategically in employee perception rather than rival organisations. It can be achieved simply by aiming to recruit and retain more effectively and by developing employee relationship strategies to increase the overall satisfaction of employees though chances (like feeling interest in job, job security, positive completion, and influence them performance) and decrease the dissatisfaction Performance management: Performance in an organisation cannot be defined but it can be measured. Its measurement of muti-dimentional construct depending on variety of factors (Bates and Holton, 1995). Bernadin el al (1995) concerned that Outcomes of work should be defined as performance because it creates a strong linkage with organisational goals, customer satisfactions and economic contributions. It is about managing of the organisation in the perspective of internal and external environment. There are different stages of performance management showed in figure 2.1: High performance Improved performance Low performance Start year Agreement of performance During year Monitoring and review against agreement End year Review of main performance Figure 2.1: Different stages of performance management Performance management involves continuous review of performance against organisational objectives, requirements and plans and the performance agreement, enhancement by implementation and developments line-up for the next. Business strategy, employee development and total quality management (TQM) are main processes in the business that should be linked with the performance management for achieving business performance (Hartle, 1995). Basically the force for vertical and horizontal integration is performance management.Vertical integration: Vertically It can be achieved in two ways. Firstly, it facilitates the coalition of strategies and plans of the business with individuals and teams. There targeted aims are those that support the success of corporate goals.secondly, the organisational core values and capabilities should take place through vertical integration as well as values adopted and the level of potential achieved by individuals. Valuing peopleHorizontal integration: It is the association of performance management and human resource strategies that deals with valuing, paying, relating and developing people. Organisations effectiveness can be increased through the impact of performance management. The effectiveness of the organisations can be improved by adopting with various processes of managing, motivating and developing people through successful integration with performance management. It shows in figure 1.3: Developing people Performance management Paying people People involvement Figure 1.3: Performance management as a central point for integrated HR activities Reward: The main purpose of reward is to increase job performance, productivity, meet the customer expectation and to hold recognition. In other way- To achieve the goal To accomplish the task on time To take out boring from work place To promote the employee to work To meet the higher and lower order needs Strategies for reward: All employees are in the reward strategy for example: line managers, stake holders. All the employees work hard with skills and effort in return they get salary and other performance bonus from employers. Its also good relationships developed between employees and employers through good working environment and excellent communication. In broader sense strategic aims include: To introduce a more incorporated approach to reward management and encouraging the employees through continuous personal development. To develop flexible approach. To reward people according to employees contribution. To make a clear specification about what behaviour will be rewarded and why. Reward management: According to Contingency theory applied to reward: Different reward strategies are required for organisational diversity and cultures. Different reward strategies and its usefulness vary according the organisations policies and practices. Business strategies may take forward the business strategy inside the organisation. The interrelationship between the employees and managers will influence the strategies at different levels in the organisations. Performance related pay should depends on the way motivation of employees Initiatives for specific rewards: It depends on the examination of present circumstances in the organisation and need of evaluation of the business and its employees. Examples of some possible initiatives: The establishment of contribution pay scheme through replacing of present methods of contingent pay The initialisation of new grades and pay structure The substitution job evaluation scheme with more clarified scheme that shows values and needs of the organisation. The improvement of flexible benefit system The arrangement of announcement and training programmes to tell all the employees about the reward policies and practices. Development of Reward strategy: Development of strategy: In todays organisation is facing fast changing economic environment, technological advancement and globalisation. Organisations have to cope up with these changes. The close fit between business strategy and HR strategy actually help to reach their desired target. From the business point of view, it has to take account on trend such as concentration on core business, market segments, get maximum values from reward system, and give more importance on flexibility. They have to change the old system with the best practices to meet these requirements. The design of reward system must need to be fair and need to operate consistently to recognize individuals needs. There are many steps for developing strategies: Determine the main issues for business strategy that affects the reward and policy To find out crucial success factors for the business and need to think implications for human resource and reward strategies. Need to keep in eye on old reward strategies and identify any change require for that to adapt that with new changes of the organisations. To identify the implications for HR plans to establish future needs. Discuss with the consultant about how to develop reward strategies Consider external factors like policies of government, income tax regulations, peoples pay and pressure from local or international. Conclusion: At the end we can conclude the importance of human resource management strategies in an organisational context by summarising the needs that for effective running of the business HRM is essential. It is not possible to run the organisation without engaging human resource management. Human resource management need to be active in order to maintain all the section within a short time. Moreover, human resource management helps to enhance the productivity of an organisations people through hiring right person at right place at time by making good strategies. HRM also motivate their employees through various ways like pay and reward. This is way how human resource management helps in achieving the overall performance of the organisation through developing strategies and implementing them effectively towards the organisational success.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
An Unhealthy Image Essay
Over the years, models have become skinnier and skinnier, and now most models are just too thin. Being a fashion model went hand-in-hand with being slim, but now being a fashion model goes hand-in-hand with no body fat whatsoever. It took the death of a young adult at a fashion show taking place during Fashion Week for officials in Madrid to finally say ââ¬ËNo moreââ¬â¢ to overly underweight models, and others are being to follow suit. Luisel Ramos was one of Uruguayââ¬â¢s top fashion models at the age of only 22. In preparation for Uruguayââ¬â¢s Fashion Week, she stuck to a strict diet of only lettuce and Diet Coke for about three months leading up to the show. Shortly after exiting the runway during a fashion show, she collapsed backstage trying to fight through a heart attack, but because of the lack of nutrition was unable to win the battle (Phillips). The strict dieting Ramos stuck to left her weighing only 98 pounds. This is the average weight of a 12 or 13 year old standing a little over 5 feet tall, but at a height of almost 5ââ¬â¢10, this is alarming (Average Height to Weight Chart). Thatââ¬â¢s a body mass index, or BMI, of only 14.5! BMI is calculated using a personââ¬â¢s weight in conjunction to their height and is used to categorize a personââ¬â¢s weight to determine if they are underweight, average weight, or overweight. (Healthy Weight: Assessing Your Weight: Body Mass Index (BMI)). According to The World Health Organization, a BMI of 16 is already considered starving, so 14.5 is extremely underweight. To add insult to injury, Lusielââ¬â¢s 18-year-old sister died the following year for the same contributing reason, malnutrition (Phillips). Australia, along with some European countries, and a few case-by-case fashion shows in the United States have already started banning severely underweight models, but a majority of countries have yet to join the movement. There should be a weight minimum on models because without one the pressure to be thin forces unhealthy dieting and eating disorders, the fashion industry is promoting an unhealthy body image, and because we simply should not be encouraging a sickness. There is definitely an undeniable pressure for models to be thin in the fashion industry. According to Martin J. Tovee, a professor at Newcastle University and one of the conductors of the study ââ¬Å"Supermodels: Stickà Insects or Hourglasses?â⬠, ââ¬Å"model cards provide accurate biometric data on the basis of which the models are hiredâ⬠meaning to models and designers, numbers are everything (Tovee). Unfortunately, it is usually the lower the numbers, the greater the chance of being picked, putting a great amount of pressure on fashion models to be skinny. But there are a host of health problems that go hand-in-hand with being super skinny. One with an eating disorder will most likely suffer from an irregular heartbeat; sensitivity to cold temperatures; thinning of bones; lowered blood pressure but also a lowered pulse, lowered body temperature, and breathing rates. Lack of proper nutrition can even cause damage to vital organs like the heart, brain, or kidneys (â⠬Å"Eating Disorders: Complicationsâ⬠). None of these health problems can and should be taken lightly. After reading a list like this, itââ¬â¢s not surprising that 1 out every 10 eating disorders leads to death (Weltzin). What is shocking, however, that it is said that one of the most common causes of death among those with an eating disorder is not directly related to a physical health problem, but instead the mental aspect of it. It appears that suicide among those with eating disorders is one of the most common causes of death and was confirmed in one of the many studies done titled, Suicide and attempted suicide in eating disorders, obesity and weight-image concern, which is a study completed by the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rome. They have determined that, ââ¬Å"individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa commit suicide more often than their counterparts in the general population; also a few studies have suggested that suicide is the major cause of death among patients with anorexia nervosa, refuting the assumption that inanition generally threatens the life of these patientsâ⬠(Pompili). Suicide is often a result of pressure or challenges becoming unbearable. These models are literally dying to be ââ¬Ëbeautifulââ¬â¢. Since 2010 alone, there have been seven reported cases of suicide among models as young as 16-years-old (Coles). With a minimum weight requirement put in place, some of the pressure put on by the fashion industry to be too skinny will be taken off of these young models. The fashion industry is crawling with designers and the ââ¬Å"beautifulâ⬠people they chose to represent them. Sadly, the fashion industryââ¬â¢s idea ofà ââ¬Å"beautifulâ⬠is unhealthily underweight bodies attached to pretty faces. In many aspects, models are widely respected. They introduce the world to the up-and-coming trends; they show the world different ways to put together outfits; and they make up a small portion of the population who are portrayed as physically ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠and who doesnââ¬â¢t want to be what others think ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠is? For those who feel they are not already beautiful, they look to these models to try and discover how ââ¬Å"beautyâ⬠can actually be defined. A few things might stick out to those who look to models for guidance. They might notice the pretty hair, or the seemingly flawless skin, and they may even notice the modelsââ¬â¢ above average height, but one thing that cannot be looked over: the modelâ⠬â¢s weight. Fashion models are all very petite and most are lacking the natural curves of a woman. But models and the fashion industry are promoting this body image as what ââ¬Ëbeautyââ¬â¢ can be defined as. Former Victoria Secret model, Frederique van der Wal, was in awe at the sight of how skinny the models were who strutted down the runway during New Yorkââ¬â¢s Fashion Week in 2006. She commented on the sight by stating, ââ¬Å"This unnatural thinness is a terrible message to send out. The people watching the fashion shows are young, impressionable womenâ⬠(Hellmich). It can be agreed that the situation is bad when one of their own comments on it. But there is plenty of truth to stand behind what the model is saying. In fact, a professor of psychiatry at Rush Medical College in Chicago and the vice president of the American Psychiatric Association, Nada Stotland agrees, arguing that ââ¬Å"We know seeing super-thin models can play a role in causing anorexiaâ⬠¦ because many models and actresses are so thin, it makes anorexics think their emaciated bodies are normalâ⬠(Hellmich). With this definition of beauty, young people who aspire to be models are doomed. Whether they like it or not, many models and actresses are seen as role models, and many young girls growing up look to models and actresses as such. When females look to some of the models as role models, and see all the glam, glory, and attention that these models are receiving, it only encourages the disorder. Role models should be that: role models. They should be promoting a positive image, both mentally and also physically. However, overly thin models display the exact opposite. They are mentally unhealthy, and it shows physically. What these young people may not know about wanting to be a dangerously underweight model are the health problemsà that being dangerously underweight are linked to. In fact, the models that are participating in being dangerously underweight may not know the health problems they may be bringing upon themselves either. However, this is not a suggestion that thin models cause eating disorder in those who look up to them. One of the misconceptions and arguments against applying a weight minimum to modeling is that thin models do not cause eating disorders, it has yet to be proven so this is a valid argument, but on the other hand, it cannot be denied that it could be an attributing factor in some cases. Another argument against weight restrictions, is that if models are seen as role models to others and are being held accountable, then others in the limelight need to be held accountable, also. The flaw in this argument is that ââ¬Ëothersââ¬â¢ are actually being held accountable. Some may considered musical artists a role model. With this said, newly signed rapper, Wiz Khalifa is known for his reference to marijuana in his songs, but is still adored by the younger generation. However, this caught up with him last year when he was arrested for drug position (Miller). Without this minimum weight requirement, these severely underweight models are only being encouraged. The thinner the model, the more work and opportunities that are available to them. Hiring the thinnest models is justified by saying that designers need models that will fit sample clothes. There has been discussion by The Council of Fashion Designers of America about increasing sample clothing sizes but only few have taken the initiative to increase the sample clothing size. Sample clothing is prototype of clothing designers create for a model to wear down the runway, before mass producing. Sample clothing sizes usually range from a size zero to a size two. A former runway model, Valentine Fillol Cordier, explains, ââ¬Å"The measurements have changed ââ¬â Iââ¬â¢d say the perfect hip size now is 10cm less that it was in the 90ââ¬â¢s. All the girls have lost on the hipsâ⬠(Fisher). She then goes on to explain that since she was unable to keep up with changing measureme nts, ââ¬Å"[she] canââ¬â¢t work anymoreâ⬠(Fisher). The editor of respected fashion magazine, _Vogue_, Alexandra Shulman, sent a letter to major international fashion houses complaining that ââ¬Å"sample sizes sent by designers are now so ââ¬Ëminusculeââ¬â¢ they force fashion editors to use modelsà with ââ¬Ëjutting bonesââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëno breasts or hips'â⬠(Fisher). As sample sizes get smaller and smaller, the healthier models find themselves out of work while the unhealthy models get all the glory. By the unhealthier models getting all the glory, it is only reassuring the models that being severely underweight is a good thing, and encouraging other models to get skinnier when in fact is it absurd. The world might wince at the sight of skin and bones walking around, but as long as these models are being used to showcase designersââ¬â¢ apparel and still getting paid, who is going to stop them? Some have finally said enough is enough to severely underweight models. The first ban on overly underweight models took place in 2006 in Madrid. In order to determine what a healthy weight is for a model, fashion shows taking place in Madrid evaluate the Body Mass Index, or BMI, which compares the modelsââ¬â¢ height to their weight. Any models falling below the ââ¬Å"healthyâ⬠weight limit being turned away. The mayor of Milan in Italy, has decided to do the same. She says that the only way that this policy will be overturned is if there is another to keep the models from looking ââ¬Å"sickâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Skinny Models Banned from Catwalkâ⬠). More recently, Victoria Beckham banned 12 models from her New York fashion show last year. Even though she is quite thin herself, she did not want to keep the trend going by supporting underweight models. Placing a weight minimum on models would not be put in place to discriminate against models and designers, but instead for the welfare of models and the people who look up to them. Without the weight minimum, the fashion industry is promoting an unhealthy body image. They are sending the message to consumers and the people who look towards the models as role models that it is okay to be severely underweight. Not only is the fashion industry negatively impacting others, but it is also negatively impacting the models, themselves. They are killing themselves to be this idea of ââ¬Å"beautifulâ⬠that the fashion industry has defined. Just as important, without this minimum weight requirement, this unhealthy lifestyle, this sickness, is being glorified and encouraged, wherein it should not be. Eating disorders are exactly that, illness, and no one should be cheered on for it. Bibliography ââ¬Å"Average Height to Weight Chart.â⬠_Disability News, Information and Resources ââ¬â Disabled World_. Disabled World, 28 Oct. 2007. Web. 21 Oct. 2011. . Coles, John. ââ¬Å"Aspiring Teenage Model Gabby Joseph Killed by a Train.â⬠ Metro, 28 Apr. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. . ââ¬Å"Eating Disorders: Complications.â⬠Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 12 Jan. 2010. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. . Fisher, Alice, and Caroline Davies. ââ¬Å"Fashion Houses Hit Back In Row Over Whoââ¬â¢s To Blame For ââ¬ËSize Zeroââ¬â¢ Models.â⬠The Guardian. The Observer, 13 June 2009. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. . ââ¬Å"Healthy Weight: Assessing Your Weight: Body Mass Index (BMI).â⬠_Centers for Disease Control and Prevention_. CDC, 13 Sept. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2011. . Hellmich, Nanci. ââ¬Å"Do Thin Models Warp Girlsââ¬â¢ Body Image?â⬠_Health & Behavior_. USA TODAY, 26 Sept. 2006. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. . Miller, Carlin DeGuerin. ââ¬Å"Wiz Khalifa Arrested: Rapper Bonds Out of Jail in Time for ââ¬Å"Cheese Eggs Pimpâ⬠Breakfast ââ¬â Crimesider ââ¬â CBS News.â⬠Breaking News Headlines. CBS, 9 Nov. 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. . Phillips, Tom. ââ¬Å"Anna Carolina Reston: The Model Who Starved Herself to Death.â⬠_Latest News, Sport and Comment from the Guardian | The Guardian_. The Guardian, 13 Jan. 2007. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. . Pompili, M, Girardi P, Tatarelli G, Ruberto A, and Tatarelli R. ââ¬Å"Suicide and Attempted Suicide in Eating Disorders, Obesity and Weight-image Concern.â⬠_Eating Behavior_ (2006): 384-94. _NCBI_. NCBI, 23 Jan. 2006. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. . 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Friday, January 10, 2020
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Define Dissertation
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Define Dissertation The Benefits of Define Dissertation Although the notion of knowledge creation may look profound, you're engaged in knowledge creation as a portion of completing your dissertation. Working between physical science and social science can be challenging because the perspectives are frequently quite different, and in some instances, conflicting. You may define dissertation as a terrific chance to contribute new theories, knowledge, and practices to a specific field. If relevant, it is possible to briefly make suggestions for more research. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Define Dissertation Based on how long and complex your research is, you might be unable to incorporate all results here. Employing a database during your research can conserve a lot of time in the writing-up approach. It fits into what is already known, and to show how your research. The function of the abstract is to report the principal aims and outco mes of your research, and it ought to be fully understandable on its own to somebody who hasn't read your complete paper or associated sources. A protocol isn't the exact same as the realization of it, a reference model isn't the exact same as a working example, etc. Your results must be of lasting price. Now you are prepared to report the outcomes of your research. Many times, such additional results are published in a different paper. When you cover the custom made essay editing, you'll get an actual professional and knowledgeable academic paper writer, and he'll revise your essay having the capability to change up to 30% of its content. If you're writing a definition essay and searching for some sample titles to use consider. All definition essays aren't easy. There are numerous essay writing services that think they're the very best, and thus don't be cheated and check the real collection of the very best. Picking a dissertation service could possibly be an extremely challenging undertaking to do. Research is the initial step of the process involved with completing a dissertation, and it's very important. Our website is just one of the most appropriate for essay help. The committee will subsequently meet collectively with the candidate to talk about the undertaking and its implementation. You might also have questions regarding the dissertation proposal length. It's important to get a general idea of the number of resources necessary to successfully finish the dissertation. The next thing to do is to create a comprehensive outline of your paper. The 5-Minute Rule for Define Dissertation You're already anticipating graduation and figuring out exactly what will be needed so as to get your degree in time. Many are highly-reputed. The duration of dissertations usually varies from a few pages to a couple hundred pages, which makes it quite hard to find data which you could be after. What's more, besides the countless papers on unique subjects, you may have a number of other responsibilities which require appreciable attention. The Death of Define Dissertation There are a few rules applied Year. Evidence There's a whole lot of evidence support ing the presence of ritual abuse crimes as a worldwide phenomenon. The thesis is just the hypothesis put forward. Today, there are a lot of academic services that propose to finish your writing orders, but not all them are reliable. Regardless of the simple fact that you may define dissertation writing in regard to your degree program, there are elements which are all common to a dissertation meaning. There are essentially three proof techniques whom I have seen used in a computing dissertation, based on the thesis topic. The opportunity to disapprove of any part of the dissertation was at the proposal in contrast to the dissertation stage. Both external and internal stresses can get the dissertation procedure to be more challenging than it needs to be. If you would like to obtain proficiency in writing your dissertation, you should know there are generally 3 steps involved. If you're a graduate student depositing. The Secret to Define Dissertation There's, clearly, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. When you have answered that question, you are prepared to go. Don't exclude the previous method--maybe it's the only one that will be able to help you in your individual instance, especially if you're in deep trouble with your assignments. Just follow the steps and you will certainly have the ability to define your problem with no difficulty in the. There are definite differences between the 2 terms, although they are occasionally used interchangeably and often confused. In case you have any questions, request clarification. The very first thing you ought to do is to think of no more than three sen tences that express your thesis. The styles aren't restricted to headings only, but may be used for paragraphs too, by picking out the whole paragraph and applying a style to it.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Style - 1303 Words
ââ¬Å"Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poemâ⬠Poe, Edgar Allan. The Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the page. Death is among one of the recurring themes which Poe explored. Dark and stormy compositions focussed around such ideas serve only to illustrate Poeââ¬â¢s writing style. One can see that such a horrid subject is clearly derived from the writerââ¬â¢s distraught life which would almost appear to create a trail of death in the writerââ¬â¢s footsteps. That being, Poe discovered the secret to writing. Edgar Allan Poe chose to write in an incredibly dark area of literature, but the mastery with which he explores such subjects is applicable to writing in the whole of literature. The story of Poeââ¬â¢s life is one marked with suffering, suffering so great that the painful scars of the poetââ¬â¢s life have been left deeply embedded in many of his greatest compositions. But as this stands, his life did not begin as so. On January the 19th, 1809, Poe was born the son of traveling actors in Boston, Massachusetts. By the time of Poeââ¬â¢s third birthday, however, both his parents had died, and their three children had been separated into varying homes ofShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s Writing Style1942 Words à |à 8 Pagesintelligence.â⬠(Edgar Allan Poe) Edgar Allan Poe is a well-known author and poet from the 19th century. Poe has over sixty-nine published works, and many are still being found today. His writing style is very dark, twisted, and depressing, but leaves a lasting impression. Poe based his writings off of his life which was a series of tragic events. Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s work has inspired many movies to be made from his works an d his works continue to inspire many authors today. Edgar Allen Poe is consideredRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Writing Style1071 Words à |à 5 PagesEdgar Allen Poeââ¬â¢s writing style was not well received during his life time, however his writing gained recognition as time passed turning him into a famous figure in the world of literature. Born in 1809, Poe died at the young age of 40 in 1849. Poe was one of the first writers to use short stories as a serious literary style. Most readers are unaware of the vast symbolism in Poeââ¬â¢s writing, but do enjoy the tonality and imagery he creates. Attention to detail and imagination allowed Edgar Allan PoeRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe And Nathaniel Hawthorne848 Words à |à 4 Pagesbreaking free from the intellectual traditions of the past. This is effectively expressed by Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne despite differences in their writing style through the stories of The Raven and The Scarlet Letter respectively. Although their writing style is different, both authors indicate that breaking free from intellectual traditions of the past is present in their writing. Both Poe and Hawthorne want to know why things happen rather than how things happen so they focus onRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Black Cat 1650 Words à |à 7 PagesBrittany White Mrs. Bey English 1101 1 April 2015 A Day in the Life Edgar Allan Poe is a very talked about writer. He has a dark, mysterious, gothic writing style. Poe was a troubled man that struggled in a lot of different areas in his life. It is believed that all of Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s short stories were connected to his tragic life events. ââ¬Å"The Black Catâ⬠is one of Edgarââ¬â¢s well-known short stories. It is about a man that endured a series of tragic events. This man was very feminine and his lackRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe: Writing Style1259 Words à |à 6 PagesEdgar Allen Poe: Writing Style The short story writer which I have chosen to research is Edgar Allen Poe. After reading one of his works in class, I realized that his mysterious style of writing greatly appealed to me. Although many critics have different views on Poe s writing style, I think that Harold Bloom summed it up best when he said, Poe has an uncanny talent for exposing our common nightmares and hysteria lurking beneath our carefully structured lives. ( 7) For me, this is doneRead MoreThe Father Of The Detective Story1593 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"The Father of the Detective Storyâ⬠: How Edgar Allan Poe Developed and Influenced the Detective Fiction Genre Edgar Allan Poe has become a household name in the literary world. His unique writing style has earned him much-deserved respect and recognition. Poe s poetry and short story oeuvre follows a consistent, melancholy theme of death and darkness that has captured and haunted readers for years (Baym, et al. 683). Perhaps his most legendary contribution to literature is his creation of theRead MoreThe Tortured Poet : Edgar Allan Poe1312 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Tortured Poet: Edgar Allan Poe ââ¬Å"Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poemâ⬠Poe, Edgar Allan. The Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the pageRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe; Fame Inspired by a Tragic Life865 Words à |à 4 Pagespoet, Edgar Allan Poe, had been plagued by grief from an early age. He was an amazing poet and author who just happened to have a darker story. Many who have studied this prestigious man feel that his works, though magnificent, were extremely dark. Some believe it was nothing more then a fancy for him to spin such gruesome tales. Others feel his work was manipulated by the misfortune of his past. These people have actually found eviden ce that agrees with this statement. The works of Edgar Allan PoeRead MoreInfluence Of A Life By Richard Connell And Edgar Allan Poe1600 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Influence of a Life Richard Connell and Edgar Allan Poe, two of the most famous authors at the time, are recognize by the different types of literature they wrote. Several of these pieces are still popular today. In many cases the life of the author can impact the different themes, or the techniques they use in their stories. Richard Connellââ¬â¢s and Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s backgrounds reflects in the writing techniques they used to captivate their audience. Biography of Richard Connell The famous writerRead More Edgar Allen Poe Essay860 Words à |à 4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe is a writer of the 1800ââ¬â¢s. He has written many classics and has a unique style. Edgar fits into a gothic romance style that was prevalent at the time of his writing. Science at the time was making leaps and bounds and often scientists were immoral and hypocritical. This is reflected in Edgarââ¬â¢s sonnet to science were science has been destroying all that Edgar finds wonderful in the world. Edgar has a tough life with many losses which is also reflected
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